Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do you remember yesterday?

Do you remember yesterday?

were there stars in the night sky yesterday?

How much clouds were there yesterday?

What made you smiling yesterday?
Which way the wind blows yesterday?
Who did want you to look back yesterday?
When did you feel hungry most yesterday?
Why don't you remember some of those above about yesterday?

Yesterday was one of the days you have had.
But yesterday had not been met you before and you won't have the 'yesterday' again till the end.

There might be so many yesterdays.
But the yesterday you've been thru was just one particular yesterday.

No one had same day as exactly you had.

That means, U lived yesterday and everything was right there only for you yesterday.

For the everything that had settled for you, let me ask you just one question.

Do you remember yesterday?

...... yesterday that was designed only for you?

1 comment:

  1. better not regret what you did ystday.
    but it's not wrong to remember ystday.
    live you life best then yestday would be brighter and memorable.
