Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Feel 'firm'!

To live hard is always a virtue of the life in this time of world.

In Korea, there's a words saying 'study hard when you need to study and play hard when you have free time'.

it's just 'live every moment as hard as you can'.

There's no defect in this words, at least from the sound of it.

Action and reaction, pros and cons.

doing hard may take away the time to ponder the reason for it, doing hard.

What for?

Money, Friends, Marriage, being a good son/daughter, honour, own goal, benefit for others and so on.

All the Motivation and purpose set seems lack of the thought about reason.

Is your reason worthy to put your whole life?

Just curious. to you and to me too.

Hence, there must be more time to lay down, being lazy, sit back to find out what drives your life.

never doing hard is not what i am saying.
But what i am saying is to think harder for doing hard.

(With world famous Drummer, Jojo Mayer)

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