Sunday, December 7, 2008

Farewell. End to And.

The strange year has been finished. Leaving where I am fit, I started this new (returning back) and exotic year in school. It was a good time. Not only because I had a memoriable year, but also I tasted student again. I could be beside the teenagers and felt so. It felt like it was a compensation of my bottom life lasted 6 years.

And everything has first finished, I had to say adieu to the chances of meeting ppl in a safely guarded frame, school.

Most of people left or are about to leave for their own countries. For a spare time to recollect the pieces of their own traces in Melbourne, for recharging their exhausted energy from the energetic support or encouragement about their support, these cuties went back to their people, their friends and their home.

Everyone has been given different things. To adjust themselves into a same picture, all of them struggle with the differences from normality. In fact, there is none such a 'normal' or 'usual'. Wherever they believe that they have something that is seen from others, they just assume and estimate this commonness.

whatsoever, i'm given this 'my situation' that everyone calls 'abnormal'. And I, too, strive to be fit in what i think 'normal'. And that concluded and brought a 'my type of farewell'.

Will you miss me? Wouldn't you want to see me again? Will you remember this time we spent?

My answer has been always same.
(direct translation from my Korean answer.)

Whenever you miss me, i'll miss you.
when you miss me, you'll know how i miss you.

It doesn't sound nice enough like 'Sure, I'll miss you!! I'll never forget this moment we had'.
I know that. I know. But that's the only thing that i can say.
That's the only thing i can say.

to manage myself. to keep myself. to protect myself. myself who is weaker than anyone.

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